First post

Hi and welcome to my new blog!
For you who don't know me my name is Rosanna. I make silver jewelry and ceramic home ware, hoping that I one day would be able to do just that, in the mean time I aslo got a job in retail. In 2013, after living in London ( Still misses it.) for two something years, me and my man drove our belongings back to Umeå, Sweden. It's actually my second time in this city. And here I still am.
Whenever I'm not working I usually long for a house on the countryside with a really nice workshop/studiospace, eat loads of chocolate and watch like every tv serie there is. I'm also very interested in sustainability, interior design, art, veggie food and kimonos among other things. And that pretty much sums up what this blog is going to be about. That and my love for second hand of course. Hope you'll tag along! 
If you like to follow me on instagram it's @roa.ahlstroem for everyting work related and @rosannaahlstroem for pretty much everything else. 
Hope to see you around! XX
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